Sl.No | Name | Designation/Post held & Place of Posting |
Property Return |
1 | P. Lalchhuanga | Director, Directorate of School Education | |
2 | B. Lalchhuanliana | Jt. Director, Directorate of School Education | |
3 | J.H. Biakmawia | Jt. Director, Directorate of School Education | |
4 | K. Lalrintluanga | Jt. Director, Directorate of School Education | |
5 | V. Ruatsanga | Deputy Director (Admn) Directorate of School Education | |
6 | Sangliana | Deputy Director (Accts)Directorate of School Education | |
7 | V. Lalhmingliana | Deputy Director, Directorate of School Education | |
8 | Laldangliana | Deputy Director, Directorate of School Education | |
9 | F.B. Liana | Deputy Director (Adult)Directorate of School Education | |
10 | Thanchungnungi | Superintendent, Directorate of School Education |
11 | Lalmuankima | Superintendent, Directorate of School Education |
12 | Uday Kumar | Superintendent, Directorate of School Education |
13 | Thanhlupuia | Research Officer, Directorate of School Education | |
14 | R. Lalrikhuma | Assistant Enginneer, Directorate of School Education | |
15 | F.Zokima | P.E.O., Directorate of School Education | |
16 | C. Lalmalsawmi | S.F.A., Directorate of School Education | |
17 | Vanlalnghaka | CPEO, Deputed as P/S to Speaker | |
18 | V. Biaksanga | CPEO, Directorate of School Education | |
19 | Vanlalrema | CPEO, Directorate of School Education | |
20 | Vanlalsawma | CPEO, Directorate of School Education |
21 | H. Sanglura | CPEO, Directorate of School Education |
22 | K. Rokima | CPEO, Directorate of School Education | |
23 | Lalremliani | CPEO, Directorate of School Education | |
24 | David Lalthanngura Sailo | CPEO, Deputed P.A as P.S to CM | |
25 | B. Lungmuana | DAEO, Aizawl West | |
26 | Lalthanzauvi | DAEO, Aizawl East | |
27 | B. Lianthlira | DEO, Aizawl | |
28 | Lalduna Chinzah | DEO, Lawngtlai | |
29 | R. Kapzauva | DEO, Kolasib | |
30 | Zolawma | DEO, Serchhip | |
31 | ST. Zaduna | DEO, Saiha | |
32 | R. Lalthakima | DEO, Lunglei | |
33 | Lalhmachhuana | SDEO deployed as DPC, SSA | |
34 | Zohmingthanga | SDEO deployed as DPC, Aizawl,SSA | |
35 | K.C. _ | SDEO, Aizawl West | |
36 | Lalrambuatsaiha | SDEO, Kolasib | |
37 | Lawmawma | SDEO, Champhai | |
38 | Lalramthianghlima | SDEO, Deployed as DPC, SSA, Kolasib | |
39 | Zoliani Hnamte | SDEO, Aizawl East | |
40 | Zohmingthanga Colney | SDEO, West Phaileng | |
41 | Lalrammawia Colney | CEO i/c DEO, Mamit | |
42 | Lallianzuali Bawitlung | CEO i/c SDEO, Serchhip | |
43 | P.C. Lalngaizuala | CEO i/c SDEO, Saitual | |
44 | C. Lalbiakzauva | CEO i/c SDEO ,Hnahthial | |
45 | R. Lalthanmawia | CEO i/c SDEO, N. Vanlaiphai | |
46 | _ | CEO i/c DPC, Champhai | |
47 | Liansanga Pautu | CEO i/c SDEO Khawzawl | |
48 | B. Lalkhumchhinga | CEO i/c SDEO Lungsen | |
49 | Thuamliana | CEO i/c SDEO Thenzawl | |
50 | K. Lalnunfela | CEO i/c SDEO Kawrthah | |
51 | R. Laldawngliana | CEO , Deployed as DPC Lunglei | |
52 | Lalsikula | CEO i/c SDEO Aizawl 'S' | |
53 | C. Lalthanzira | CEO i/c DPC, Serchhip | |
54 | R. Lalenkawla | CEO i/c SDEO Mamit | |
55 | Vanlalchhana | CEO i/c SDEO Lunglei'S' | |
56 | K. Lalsiamliani | CEO i/c SDEO Kawnpui | |
57 | H. Sangthanga | CEO i/c SDEO Lunglei 'N' | |
58 | J.R. Lalhruaitluanga | CEO i/c SDEO Darlawn | |
59 | C. Liansanga | Hindi Propogation Officer | |
60 | Lalchungnunga | Hindi Propogation Officer | |
61 | Malsawma Pautu | Hindi Propogation Officer | |
62 | Lalhmingthanga | Hindi Propogation Officer | |
63 | C. Lalrampana | Hindi Propogation Officer | |
64 | Dohmingthanga | Principal, MICE | |
65 | Lalthangmawia | Principal, Mamawii G. HSS | |
66 | V.S. Mathew | Principal, Mamit HSS | |
67 | C. Hrangthuama | Principal, Saiha HSS | |
68 | K. Wilson | Principal, Kawrthah HSS | |
69 | Lalthanzama | Principal, Mizo HSS, Aizawl |
70 | P.C. Lalhmangaihzuala | Principal, Region HSS, Lawngtlai |
71 | C. Thanga | Principal, Chaltlang HSS | |
72 | F.P. Laikhama | Principal, Zemabawk HSS | |
73 | Vanlalhruaia Sailo | Principal, G.M. HSS, Champhai | |
74 | Vanlalchhanhimi | Principal, Leitlangpui HSS | |
75 | R. Lalbiakthuama | Principal, J.L. HSS | |
76 | Wilfred Pahlira | Principal, K.M. HSS | |
77 | Zolianlunga | Principal, Republic HSS | |
78 | Zairemveli | Principal, Saitual HSS | |
79 | Lalramchhana | V. Principal, Serchhip HSS | |
80 | K. Vanlalroluahtuma | V. Principal, Lunglei HSS | |
81 | Lungngailova Colney | V. Principal, MICE HSS | |
82 | Zoramliana Zadeng | V. Principal, J.L HSS | |
83 | Janardhan Tripathi | V. Principal, Mizo HSS | |
84 | Lalnunzira Miller | V. Principal, K.M. HSS | |
85 | Thomas Lalchhanhima | V. Principal, Central HSS | |
86 | K. Pazawna | V. Principal, G.M. HSS,Champhai | |
87 | C. Lalthangpuii | V. Principal, Republic HSS | |
88 | Laltinkhumi Hnamte | V. Principal, Hnahthial HSS | |
89 | Grace Lalchhawntluangi | V. Principal, Chaltlang HSS | |
90 | Lalrinpuii Chhangte | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
91 | Lalrinkima | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
92 | C.Lalhliapa | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
93 | Ramsangliani Hrangchal | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
94 | C.Lalmuanpuii | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
95 | C.Vanhmingliana | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
96 | Lalnithanga | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
97 | H.Lalrinpuii | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
98 | Lalrinpuii Hlondo | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
99 | Rebecca Lalnunsiami | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
100 | Lalremmawii Hmar | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
101 | E.Lalrindiki | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
102 | Zothanzawna Zote | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
103 | Vanlalsiami | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
104 | C.Lalrintluangi | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
105 | Lalnunhluna | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
106 | Ruth L.Hrangchal | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
107 | Vanlalsangi | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
108 | Judy Vanlalruati | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
109 | Lalsangpuii Fanai | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
110 | Zothanpuii | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
111 | Rotluangi | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
112 | P.C Lalthanzami | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
113 | Lianduna | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
114 | H.Lalruatliana | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
115 | Zohmingliana | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
116 | _ | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
117 | David Zaikhumtluanga | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
118 | Lalthanmawia Ralte | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
119 | E.Lalkhumtira | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
120 | Zohmingliana | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
121 | Lalbiakkima Ralte | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
122 | Lalbiakliani | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
123 | Liza Lalmalsawmi | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
124 | Lalzuithangi | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
125 | Lalhminghlui | Lecturer, Govt. Mizo HSS | |
126 | V.Lalchhuanawmi | Lecturer, Govt. K.M. HSS | |
127 | Zarzoliani | Lecturer, Govt. K.M. HSS | |
128 | Khawlhringliana | Lecturer, Govt. K.M. HSS | |
129 | R.Vanlalawmpuia | Lecturer, Govt. K.M. HSS | |
130 | H. Lalrinsangi | Lecturer, Govt. K.M. HSS | |
131 | Lalthazuali | Lecturer, Govt. K.M. HSS | |
132 | Zonunsanga | Lecturer, Govt. K.M. HSS | |
133 | H.Ramthianghlima | Lecturer, Govt. K.M. HSS | |
134 | Lalchungnungi | Lecturer, Govt. K.M. HSS | |
135 | Zodinthari Ralte | Lecturer, Govt. K.M. HSS | |
136 | Vanlaltanpuia | Lecturer, Govt. K.M. HSS | |
137 | K.C.Lalvulluaia | Lecturer, Govt. K.M. HSS | |
138 | R.Ramnunsangi | Lecturer, Govt. K.M. HSS | |
139 | R.Ngurthanzami | Lecturer, Govt. K.M. HSS | |
140 | Lalrosangi Ralte | Lecturer, Govt. K.M. HSS | |
141 | Zothanpari | Lecturer, Govt. Republic HSS | |
142 | Lalbiaksangi | Lecturer, Govt. Republic HSS | |
143 | Hmingthanzuali | Lecturer, Govt. Republic HSS | |
144 | _ | Lecturer, Govt. Republic HSS | |
145 | Vanlalruata | Lecturer, Govt. Republic HSS | |
146 | Lalhmingmawia Ralte | Lecturer, Govt. Republic HSS | |
147 | R.Vanlalhruaii | Lecturer, Govt. Republic HSS | |
148 | Lallawmzuali | Lecturer, Govt. Republic HSS | |
149 | Z.D.Lalhriata | Lecturer, Govt. Republic HSS | |
150 | C.Lalchhuanmawia | Lecturer, Govt. Republic HSS | |
151 | H.Lalrinpuii | Lecturer, Govt. Republic HSS | |
152 | H.C.Biakchungnunga | Lecturer, Govt. Republic HSS | |
153 | P.C.Thanhranga | Lecturer, Govt. Republic HSS | |
154 | F.Vanlalhriata | Lecturer, Govt. Republic HSS | |
155 | Noel Lalthlenpuii | Lecturer, Govt. Republic HSS | |
156 | Lalhmachhuana | Lecturer, Govt. Republic HSS | |
157 | K.Rohmingliana | Lecturer, Govt. Republic HSS | |
158 | Lalchhuanmawii | Lecturer, Govt. Republic HSS | |
159 | Lalthansangi Fanai | Lecturer, Govt. Republic HSS | |
160 | Rosangtuali | Lecturer, Govt. Republic HSS | |
161 | Dr. Balram Singh Pankaj | Lecturer, Govt. Republic HSS | |
162 | C.Lalngaihzuali | Lecturer, Govt. Mamawii HSS | |
163 | Nathaly Sailo | Lecturer, Govt. Mamawii HSS | |
164 | Lalrinsangi Fanai | Lecturer, Govt. Mamawii HSS | |
165 | Lalmuanpuii | Lecturer, Govt. Mamawii HSS | |
166 | H.Ngurthansanga | Lecturer, Govt. Mamawii HSS | |
167 | Lalremruati Rokhum | Lecturer, Govt. Mamawii HSS | |
168 | V. Lalchhuanawma | Lecturer, Govt. Mamawii HSS | |
169 | Zonunpuia | Lecturer, Govt. Mamawii HSS | |
170 | Thang khansiam Ngaihte | Lecturer, Govt. Mamawii HSS | |
171 | Monica Ramdingliani | Lecturer, Govt. Mamawii HSS | |
172 | Lalbiakmawii Hmar | Lecturer, Govt. Mamawii HSS | |
173 | Lalparvuli Sailo | Lecturer, Govt. Mamawii HSS | |
174 | Glory Lalhlupuii | Lecturer, Govt. Mamawii HSS | |
175 | Lalchhanhimi | Lecturer, Govt. Mamawii HSS | |
176 | Daisy Vanlalbiaknungi | Lecturer, Govt. Mamawii HSS | |
177 | Lalnunpari | Lecturer, Govt. Central HSS | |
178 | J.H. Zomuani | Lecturer, Govt. Central HSS | |
179 | John Zoliana | Lecturer, Govt. Central HSS | |
180 | Rosangpuii | Lecturer, Govt. Central HSS | |
181 | Lalzikpuii | Lecturer, Govt. Central HSS | |
182 | Vanlalthlana Ralte | Lecturer, Govt. Central HSS | |
183 | Brenda Ngurthanzami | Lecturer, Govt. Central HSS | |
184 | K.Zomuana | Lecturer, Govt. Central HSS | |
185 | Lalrochunga | Lecturer, Govt. Central HSS | |
186 | Laldingliani Sailo | Lecturer, Govt. Central HSS | |
187 | Chhuanmawia | Lecturer, Govt. Central HSS | |
188 | C. Rodinthara | Lecturer, Govt. Central HSS | |
189 | Lalbiakhluna | Lecturer, Govt. Central HSS | |
190 | Lalnunmawii | Lecturer, Govt. J.L. HSS | |
191 | F.Lalthazovi | Lecturer, Govt. J.L. HSS | |
192 | Lynda Vanlalhruaii | Lecturer, Govt. J.L. HSS | |
193 | H.Lalhmunliana | Lecturer, Govt. J.L. HSS | |
194 | Ramnunsangi | Lecturer, Govt. J.L. HSS | |
195 | Lalrammawii Sailo | Lecturer, Govt. J.L. HSS | |
196 | Lalthankhumi Sailo | Lecturer, Govt. J.L. HSS | |
197 | Lalchhuankima | Lecturer, Govt. J.L. HSS | |
198 | Malsawmpari Ralte | Lecturer, Govt. J.L. HSS | |
199 | V.Vungliana | Lecturer, Govt. J.L. HSS | |
200 | T.C.Lalhlimawma | Lecturer, Govt. J.L. HSS | |
201 | Lalchhuansanga | Lecturer, Govt. J.L. HSS | |
202 | Vanlalzawni Sailo | Lecturer, Govt. J.L. HSS | |
203 | Daniel Vanlalnghaka | Lecturer, Govt. J.L. HSS | |
204 | Lalrinzuali | Lecturer, M.I.C.E | |
205 | Lalremdiki | Lecturer, M.I.C.E | |
206 | Lalramsanga | Lecturer, M.I.C.E | |
207 | Vanlalzuata | Lecturer, M.I.C.E | |
208 | Lalhlimzuali | Lecturer, M.I.C.E | |
209 | K.Lalawmpuii | Lecturer, M.I.C.E | |
210 | Zangura Hnamte | Lecturer, M.I.C.E | |
211 | Lalthanzuala | Lecturer, M.I.C.E | |
212 | Malsawmdingliani | Lecturer, M.I.C.E | |
213 | Lalrammuanpuia Hnamte | Lecturer, M.I.C.E | |
214 | P.C.Ronihtlinga | Lecturer, M.I.C.E | |
215 | T.Lalrinliani | Lecturer, M.I.C.E | |
216 | Vanlalengi Ralte | Lecturer, M.I.C.E | |
217 | Sangeeta Gurung | Lecturer, M.I.C.E | |
218 | Lalremsangi Hmar | Lecturer, M.I.C.E | |
219 | Zionparlawma | Lecturer, M.I.C.E | |
220 | Rotluangi Chawngthu | Lecturer, Govt. Chaltlang HSS | |
221 | Lalruatzuali | Lecturer, Govt. Chaltlang HSS | |
222 | Zosangliani | Lecturer, Govt. Chaltlang HSS | |
223 | Lalrinngheti | Lecturer, Govt. Chaltlang HSS | |
224 | Dr.HVL Ringa | Lecturer, Govt. Chaltlang HSS | |
225 | Lalbiakkunga Joute | Lecturer, Govt. Chaltlang HSS | |
226 | Zothansangi | Lecturer, Govt. Chaltlang HSS | |
227 | H.Lalsangzuala | Lecturer, Govt. Chaltlang HSS | |
228 | Vanhmingliani | Lecturer, Govt. Chaltlang HSS | |
229 | H.Lalliantluanga | Lecturer, Govt. Chaltlang HSS | |
230 | Hmingthanmawii | Lecturer, Govt. Chaltlang HSS | |
231 | Lallawmsangi | Lecturer, Govt. Chaltlang HSS | |
232 | Paul C.Lalrongenga | Lecturer, Govt. Chaltlang HSS | |
233 | S.Lallawmzuala | Lecturer, Govt. Chaltlang HSS | |
234 | Dr.Eli Lalhmangaihzuali | Lecturer, Govt. Chaltlang HSS | |
235 | R.Lalmuanpuii | Lecturer, Govt. Chaltlang HSS | |
236 | Lalramengi Ralte | Lecturer, Govt. Chaltlang HSS | |
237 | Lalfakzuali Hmar | Lecturer, Govt. Chaltlang HSS | |
238 | Zoramhmangaiha | Lecturer, Govt. Chaltlang HSS | |
239 | C.Laldinliana | Lecturer, Govt. Chaltlang HSS | |
240 | K.Lalchhuanmawii | Lecturer, Govt. Zemabawk HSS | |
241 | Zothanpari Pautu | Lecturer, Govt. Zemabawk HSS | |
242 | Irene Lalchhanhimi | Lecturer, Govt. Zemabawk HSS | |
243 | Lalliantluanga | Lecturer, Govt. Zemabawk HSS | |
244 | P.C.Lalthanchuanga | Lecturer, Govt. Zemabawk HSS | |
245 | R.C.Lalruatchhunga | Lecturer, Govt. Zemabawk HSS | |
246 | David Lalthlanliana | Lecturer, Govt. Zemabawk HSS | |
247 | Zomuankima | Lecturer, Govt. Zemabawk HSS | |
248 | Kapzauva | Lecturer, Govt. Zemabawk HSS | |
249 | Lalrammawia Sailo | Lecturer, Govt. Zemabawk HSS | |
250 | Vanlalremi Chhangte | Lecturer, Govt. Zemabawk HSS | |
251 | Vandingliani | Lecturer, Govt. Zemabawk HSS | |
252 | Lalremi Ralte | Lecturer, Govt. Zemabawk HSS | |
253 | J.Hmingchhuanga | Lecturer, Govt. Zemabawk HSS | |
254 | C.Lalbiaknungi | Lecturer, Govt. Saitual HSS | |
255 | F.Malsawmdawngliana | Lecturer, Govt. Saitual HSS | |
256 | K.Lalnunmawii | Lecturer, Govt. Saitual HSS | |
257 | H.Lalhmangaihzuala | Lecturer, Govt. Saitual HSS | |
258 | T.Lalchhuanmawia | Lecturer, Govt. Saitual HSS | |
259 | K.Lalhriata | Lecturer, Govt. Saitual HSS | |
260 | Thangthuama | Lecturer, Govt. Saitual HSS | |
261 | Zohmangaiha Tochhawng | Lecturer, Govt. Saitual HSS | |
262 | Lalramenga Sailo | Lecturer, Govt. Saitual HSS | |
263 | Barbara Zothantluangi | Lecturer, Govt.Serchhip HSS | |
264 | Rinthanzuali | Lecturer, Govt.Serchhip HSS | |
265 | T.C.Lalthazuali | Lecturer, Govt.Serchhip HSS | |
266 | Baby Lalsangzuali | Lecturer, Govt.Serchhip HSS | |
267 | Lalzarliani | Lecturer, Govt.Serchhip HSS | |
268 | K. Lalhmangaiha | Lecturer, Govt.Serchhip HSS | |
269 | Vanlalruati | Lecturer, Govt.Serchhip HSS | |
270 | K.Lalremsiami | Lecturer, Govt.Serchhip HSS | |
271 | R.K.Sanghmingliana | Lecturer, Govt.Serchhip HSS | |
272 | H. Lalchhuangliana | Lecturer, Govt.Serchhip HSS | |
273 | Anne Zohmingthangi | Lecturer, Govt.G.M. HSS, Champhai | |
274 | Noel Zirkungi | Lecturer, Govt.G.M. HSS, Champhai | |
275 | Lalthantluanga Tochhawng | Lecturer, Govt.G.M. HSS, Champhai | |
276 | C.Vanlalchhuanga | Lecturer, Govt.G.M. HSS, Champhai | |
277 | Charles Romalsawma | Lecturer, Govt.G.M. HSS, Champhai | |
278 | K.Hrangdawla | Lecturer, Govt.G.M. HSS, Champhai | |
279 | Lalhlimpuii | Lecturer, Govt.G.M. HSS, Champhai | |
280 | C.Laltani | Lecturer, Govt.G.M. HSS, Champhai | |
281 | Lalrammawii | Lecturer, Govt.G.M. HSS, Champhai | |
282 | Lalthakimi | Lecturer, Govt. Lunglei. HSS | |
283 | Zothanpari | Lecturer, Govt. Lunglei. HSS | |
284 | T.Rosiama | Lecturer, Govt. Lunglei. HSS | |
285 | C.Lalremruati | Lecturer, Govt. Lunglei. HSS | |
286 | R.Laltanpuia | Lecturer, Govt. Lunglei. HSS | |
287 | Baby T.Zosangliani | Lecturer, Govt. Lunglei. HSS | |
288 | R.Lalthansanga | Lecturer, Govt. Lunglei. HSS | |
289 | Ch.Lalremkunga | Lecturer, Govt. Lunglei. HSS | |
290 | H.Zomawii | Lecturer, Govt. Lunglei. HSS | |
291 | Lalmuanzuala | Lecturer, Govt. Lunglei. HSS | |
292 | F.Lalhmangaihsanga | Lecturer, Govt. Lunglei. HSS | |
293 | Lalawmpuia | Lecturer, Govt. Lunglei. HSS | |
294 | R.Vanlalsiama | Lecturer, Govt. Lunglei. HSS | |
295 | Lalrampari Hmar | Lecturer, Govt. Lunglei. HSS | |
296 | H.Tlanchhuahkima | Lecturer, Govt. Lunglei. HSS | |
297 | Vanlalsiami Tlau | Lecturer, Govt. Lunglei. HSS | |
298 | Lalhmachhuani | Lecturer, Govt. Lunglei. HSS | |
299 | C.Lalhlimpuii | Lecturer, Govt. Leitlangpui. HSS, Lunglei | |
300 | Lalrinchhana Ralte | Lecturer, Govt. Leitlangpui. HSS, Lunglei | |
301 | K.L.Lalhriatpuii | Lecturer, Govt. Leitlangpui. HSS, Lunglei | |
302 | Lucy Lalremsangi | Lecturer, Govt. Leitlangpui. HSS, Lunglei | |
303 | Zothanzuali Ralte | Lecturer, Govt. Leitlangpui. HSS, Lunglei | |
304 | C.Lalhmangaihzuali | Lecturer, Govt. Leitlangpui. HSS, Lunglei | |
305 | H.Lalnuntluanga | Lecturer, Govt. Leitlangpui. HSS, Lunglei | |
306 | T.Lalhlimpuia | Lecturer, Govt. Leitlangpui. HSS, Lunglei | |
307 | Lalmuanpui Pachuau | Lecturer, Govt. Leitlangpui. HSS, Lunglei | |
308 | KC.Zoliana | Lecturer, Govt. Leitlangpui. HSS, Lunglei | |
309 | H.C.Lalsangvunga | Lecturer, Govt. Leitlangpui. HSS, Lunglei | |
310 | H.Lalrinchhana | Lecturer, Govt. Hnahthial. HSS | |
311 | Rotluanga | Lecturer, Govt. Hnahthial. HSS | |
312 | Vanlalduhi | Lecturer, Govt. Hnahthial. HSS | |
313 | Zothanpara | Lecturer, Govt. Hnahthial. HSS | |
314 | Hrathmingthanga | Lecturer, Govt. Mamit HSS | |
315 | Biakchungnunga | Lecturer, Govt. Mamit HSS | |
316 | V.L.Venkima | Lecturer, Govt. Kawrthah HSS | |
317 | K.P.Singh | Lecturer, Govt. Kawrthah HSS | |
318 | Hmingthanzauvi Varte | Lecturer, Govt. Kawrthah HSS | |
319 | Lalremmawia Khiangte | Lecturer, Govt. Kawrthah HSS | |
320 | Vanlalhmuaki Khiteng | Lecturer, Govt. Region HSS, Lawngtlai | |
321 | Lalhrezuala Hnialum | Lecturer, Govt. Region HSS, Lawngtlai | |
322 | Lalnunsema | Lecturer, Govt. Region HSS, Lawngtlai | |
323 | Th.Tlangparlawmi | Lecturer, Govt. Region HSS, Lawngtlai | |
324 | C.Vanlalringi | Lecturer, Govt. Region HSS, Lawngtlai | |
325 | Lalrochhari Ralte | Lecturer, Govt. Region HSS, Lawngtlai | |
326 | J.B.Lalthanpuii | Lecturer, Govt. Region HSS, Lawngtlai | |
327 | Marina Lalhuzami | Lecturer, Govt. Region HSS, Lawngtlai | |
328 | Lalrozaii | Lecturer, Govt. Region HSS, Lawngtlai | |
329 | Vanlalnghawrliani | Lecturer, Govt. Region HSS, Lawngtlai | |
330 | Laldinmawii | Lecturer, Govt. Region HSS, Lawngtlai | |
331 | Lalhlimpuii | Lecturer, Govt. Region HSS, Lawngtlai | |
332 | PT Laljeniara | Lecturer, Govt. Region HSS, Lawngtlai | |
333 | Sangrikhuma | Lecturer, Govt. Region HSS, Lawngtlai | |
334 | Lalduhliana | Lecturer, Govt. Kamalanagar HSS, Chawngte | |
335 | Lalthanpari | Lecturer, Govt. Kamalanagar HSS, Chawngte | |
336 | Pulen Goswami | Lecturer, Govt. Kamalanagar HSS, Chawngte | |
337 | C.Zohmingliana | Lecturer, Govt. Kamalanagar HSS, Chawngte | |
338 | Laldammawia | Lecturer, Govt. Kamalanagar HSS, Chawngte | |
339 | R.Ramtharliana | Lecturer, Govt. Kamalanagar HSS, Chawngte | |
340 | MPK Vathana | Lecturer, Govt. HSS, Saiha | |
341 | K.Lalhunthari | Lecturer, Govt. HSS, Saiha | |
342 | Y.Nalini Devi | Lecturer, Govt. HSS, Saiha | |
343 | H.Vanlaltanpuia | Lecturer, Govt. HSS, Saiha | |
344 | C.Rodinliana | Lecturer, Govt. HSS, Saiha | |
345 | R.Lalnunpuia | Lecturer, Govt. HSS, Saiha | |
346 | TT Duhtinthluaii | Lecturer, Govt. HSS, Saiha | |
347 | V.Samson | Lecturer, Govt. HSS, Saiha | |
348 | R.K.Singh | Lecturer, Govt. HSS, Saiha | |
349 | T.I.Singh | Lecturer, Govt. HSS, Saiha | |
350 | KH Chandra Singh | Lecturer, Govt. HSS, Saiha | |
351 | I.Mercy Sironmani | Lecturer, Govt. HSS, Saiha | |
352 | Lalrawngbawla | Headmaster, Aizawl H.S | |
353 | T. Paawia | Headmaster, Bawngkawn H.S | |
354 | C. Lalhluna | Headmaster, Bethlehem H.S | |
355 | R. Laltanpuii | Headmaster, Bungkawn H.S | |
356 | H.J. Thangruaia | Headmaster, Ch.Chhunga H.S | |
357 | B. _ | Headmaster, Dinthar H.S | |
358 | K. Zatlunga | Headmaster, Durtlang H.S | |
359 | Lawmchhungi | Headmaster, Hrangchhuana H.S | |
360 | B. Vanlalzauva | Headmaster, Hrangchhunga H.S | |
361 | J.N. Mazi | Headmaster, Keifang H.S | |
362 | Lalthangliana Hychho | Headmaster, Kulikawn H.S | |
363 | _ | Headmaster, KVM H.S | |
364 | K.I. Reginold | Headmaster, Lengpui H.S | |
365 | Lalrintluangi Tochhong | Headmaster, Model H.S | |
366 | Lalrinmawii | Headmaster, Pianghleia H.S | |
367 | Zohmangaihi | Headmaster, R.M. H.S | |
368 | Lalrampari | Headmaster, S. Hlimen. H.S | |
369 | R.K. Sharma | Headmaster, Sairang H.S | |
370 | Ch. Sanglura | Headmaster, Sihphir. H.S | |
371 | P.C. Sinha | Headmaster, Rulchawm. H.S | |
372 | Lalhmunliana | Headmaster, Tanhril. H.S | |
373 | Lalpianthanga | Headmaster, Thingsulthliah. H.S | |
374 | C. Lalnuntluanga | Headmaster, Tlungvel. H.S | |
375 | Lalrammawia | Headmaster, Mizo H.S | |
376 | C. Vanmuana | Headmaster, Central H.S | |
377 | H. Lalbiakveli | Headmaster, Chaltlang H.S | |
378 | P.C. Liankimi | Headmaster, J.L . H.S | |
379 | Thanthuami | Headmaster, K.M. H.S | |
380 | Lalrinpuii | Headmaster, Mamawii H.S | |
381 | Lalhmangaihi Ralte | Headmaster, Republic H.S | |
382 | C. Lalpari | Headmaster, Saitual H.S | |
383 | H. Zalawra | Headmaster, Zemabawk H.S | |
384 | Pazawna Tochhawng | Headmaster, Awithangpa H.S, Thiak |
385 | T.C. Biakhluna | Headmaster, Aizawl 'E' H.S | |
386 | C. _ | Headmaster, Chawnpui H.S | |
387 | Rakesh Kumari | Headmaster, Darlawn H.S | |
388 | H.J Thangruaia | Headmaster, Darlung H.S | |
389 | Lalthangfala Sailo | Headmaster, Falkawn H.S | |
390 | Nirmal K. Pun | Headmaster, Gorkha H.S | |
391 | Zirkima | Headmaster, Kanghmun H.S | |
392 | C. Lalzuithanga | Headmaster, Khawrihnim H.S | |
393 | Vanlallura | Headmaster, Lungleng H.S | |
394 | Hmingchungnunga | Headmaster, Maubawk H.S | |
395 | K. _ | Headmaster, Melriat H.S | |
396 | TC. Lalzauva | Headmaster, Phuaibuang H.S | |
397 | K. _ | Headmaster, Samlukhai H.S | |
398 | Mankunga | Headmaster, Sakawrtuichhun H.S |
399 | Lalthanfala | Headmaster, Sateek H.S | |
400 | Hemanta Kumar Das | Headmaster, Sialsuk H.S | |
401 | F. Rodinga | Headmaster, Sumsuih H.S | |
402 | Liandinga | Headmaster, Tinzagina H.S, Durtlang |
403 | Lalrokima | Headmaster, Tuisualral H.S, Sakawrdai |
404 | Lalhluna | Headmaster, Mualthuam 'N' H.S | |
405 | Lalzuithanga | Headmaster, Bazar H.S, Lunglei |
406 | ZD. Zoramthara | Headmaster, Zotlang H.S, Lunglei |
407 | K. Sanghmingliana | Headmaster, Zohnuai H.S, Lunglei |
408 | C. Thanghuma | Headmaster, Rahsi Veng H.S Lunglei |
409 | C.H. Liandula | Headmaster, Venglai H.S, Lunglei |
410 | R. Malsawma | Headmaster Liantawna H.S. Lunglawn |
411 | J. Neihhnuna | Headmaster Thingsai H.S | |
412 | Dengsailovi Zadeng | Headmaster Lunglei H.S | |
413 | Vanlalhliri Sailo | Headmaster Hnahthial H.S | |
414 | MDY. Alam | Headmaster Chawngte 'L' H.S | |
415 | Umesh Kumar | Headmaster Tipperaghat H.S | |
416 | P.C. Lallawmzuala | Headmaster Electric Veng H.S, Lunglei |
417 | CH. Biakhnema | Headmaster Lungsen H.S | |
418 | C. Lalliansanga | Headmaster Muallianpui H.S | |
419 | C. Lalthanpuia | Headmaster S. Vanlaiphai H.S | |
420 | C. Chalnghaka | Headmaster Thiltlang H.S | |
421 | C. Zatha | Headmaster Tlabung H.S | |
422 | V. Lawmzuala | Headmaster Leitlangpui H.S | |
423 | V. Lalsiama | Headmaster Sawikunga H.S. Darzo |
424 | H.T. Rokhuma | Headmaster Southern H.S. Hnahthial |
425 | M.C. Duhthanga | Headmaster, Cherhlun H.S | |
426 | Lalhliri | Headmaster, Theiriat H.S | |
427 | Chawngkhuma | Headmaster Chhipphir H.S. | |
428 | Thanzuali | Headmaster Vairengte H.S. | |
429 | G.S Zaithantluanga | Headmaster Diakkawn H.S. | |
430 | B.D. Koner | Headmaster Kawnpui H.S. | |
431 | D.K. Ghosh | Headmaster Saiphai H.S. | |
432 | S.C. Koner | Headmaster Thingdawl H.S. | |
433 | Ashok Kumar Shah | Headmaster Bairabi H.S. | |
434 | C. Vanlalliana | Headmaster Nisapui H.S. | |
435 | C. Dengthuama | Headmaster N. Hlimen H.S. | |
436 | Lalduhawm Tochhawng | Headmaster P.M, H.S, Lungdai | |
437 | T.T. Laltanpuia | Headmaster, Democratic H.S., Khumtung | |
438 | Lalduhawma | Headmaster, PCR H.S., Serchhip | |
439 | K. Zoramchhani | Headmaster Chhiahtlang H.S | |
440 | J.L. Thanzawna | Headmaster Lallengvunga H.S. Thenzawl | |
441 | S. Vanlalchhuanga | Headmaster, Serchhip H.S | |
442 | Lalzuiliana | Headmaster, J.M H.S., Serchhip | |
443 | K. Lalhmachhuani | Headmaster, Chhingchhip H.S | |
444 | C. Remsanga | Headmaster, Bungtlang H.S | |
445 | L.D. Rosera | Headmaster, Thenzawl H.S | |
446 | H. Lalfelkima | Headmaster, Bungthuam H.S | |
447 | W.B. Sunder Singh | Headmaster, Rawpuichhip H.S | |
448 | Priya Wansa | Headmaster, Marpara H.S | |
449 | Roremsanga Ralte | Headmaster, Tuidam H.S | |
450 | Lalnunthara | Headmaster, Mamit H.S | |
451 | R. Lalnunthari | Headmaster, Zamuang H.S. | |
452 | Pawlremthanga | Headmaster, Kanhmun H.S | |
453 | Zed _ | Headmaster, K.R H.S, Zawlnuam |
454 | Hrangthankhumi | Headmaster, Kawrthah H.S | |
455 | C. Rodala | Headmaster, Rabung H.S | |
456 | C. Rosiama | Headmaster, Champhai H.S | |
457 | V.VL. Nghaka | Headmaster, Ngur H.S | |
458 | Vanlalrawna | Headmaster, Khawhai H.S | |
459 | Vanramnghaka | Headmaster, T.M. H.S, Zote | |
460 | J. Ringzuala | Headmaster, Ruantlang H.S | |
461 | K. Lalbuatsaiha | Headmaster, G.M H.S, Champhai |
462 | Hmingthanzama Hauhnar | Headmaster, Khuangleng H.S | |
463 | R. Ratlawma | Headmaster, Kawlkulh H.S | |
464 | Kamal Kumari Thapa | Headmaster, Chawngtlai H.S | |
465 | J. Changliana | Headmaster, Ngopa H.S | |
466 | C. Roliana | Headmaster, Siaha H.S, Saiha | |
467 | T.T. Zahmo | Headmaster, Phura H.S | |
468 | Nungo Azyu | Headmaster, Saiha H.S | |
469 | F.L. John | Headmaster, Region H.S, Lawngtlai |
470 | S.R. Chakma | Headmaster, Kamalanagar H.S | |
471 | Sanghluta Lawtlai | Headmaster, Chanmari H.S, Lawngtlai |
472 | B.T. Jerry Zohup | Headmaster, Diltlang H.S | |
473 | K. Lalrintluangi | Headmaster, Chawngte 'P' H.S | |
474 | Vanlalhlupuii Fanai | Headmaster, Southern Public H.S., Lawngtlai |
475 | Sadhu Dan Chakma | Headmaster, Borapansuri H.S | |
476 | J. N. Ngunchuaia | Headmaster, Lai H.S, Vawmbuk | |
477 | H. Sanghaia | Headmaster, Ramthar H.S.Lungpher | |
478 | B. Lalmuankima | Headmaster, Bungtlang 'S' H.S | |
479 | Andrew K. Zahluna | Headmaster, Bethel H.S., Pangkhua | |
480 | Ch. Khawpuimawia | Aizawl Venglai M/S | |
481 | Lalthianghlima | Armed Veng M/S | |
482 | Lalliantluanga Sailo | Bawngkawn M/S - I | |
483 | R. Hmingmawia | Bawngkawn M/S - II | |
484 | Shamsher Kumar | B.B. Nepali M/S | |
485 | C. Zairema | Bethlehem Vengthlang M/S-I | |
486 | Lalrindika | Bethlehem Vengthlang M/S-II | |
487 | Liansangi | Bethlehem M/S | |
488 | J. Ramtinthiauva | Bible M/S | |
489 | H. Zathuama | B.M. M/S, Ramhlun | |
490 | Lalpiangthara | Chaltlang M/S | |
491 | K. Vanlalsiama | Chhinga Veng M/S | |
492 | Lalhmangaiha Sailo | C.Z. Huala M/S | |
493 | H. Challiana | Durtlang M/S - I | |
494 | Hawilopari | Durtlang M/S - II | |
495 | Roliana Chenkual | Durtlang M/S - III | |
496 | Lalthawmliana Varte | Durtlang M/S - IV | |
497 | Lallungmuana | Electric M/S | |
498 | R. Lalthangliana | Endala M/S, Ramhlun | |
499 | _ | I.T.I. M/S | |
500 | Sawmthangi | L.M. M/S, Muthi | |
501 | Ngurnghinglova | Laipuitlang M/S | |
502 | C. Zalianchhunga | Muma M/S, Armed Veng | |
503 | K. Lalthawmmawia | P.Z. M/S, Chaltlang | |
504 | Lalhruaikima | DIET Practising M/S | |
505 | Sawithangi | Ramhlun M/S | |
506 | PC. Lawmzuala | Ramhlun 'S' M/S | |
507 | J. Vanlaldika | Ramthar M/S | |
508 | Rokamlova | Ramthar 'N' M/S | |
509 | B. Laithankhuma | Republic Vengthlang M/S | |
510 | C. Lalrinzuala | Republic M/S - II | |
511 | C. _ | R.K. M M/S | |
512 | S. Rochama | Saron M/S | |
513 | P. Vetthanga | Selesih M/S | |
514 | HC. Lalsangzuala | T.S. M/S, Thuampui | |
515 | Rosangzuala Ralte | Tuithiang M/S | |
516 | K. Lalthazuala | Venghlui M/S | |
517 | Lalbiakliana | Zemabawk M/S | |
518 | Rinhmachhuana | Zuangtui M/S | |
519 | T. Sanglura | Tlungvel M/S - II | |
520 | H. Thangluaia | Tlungvel M/S - I | |
521 | K. Laltlanzauva | Thingsulthliah M/S - III | |
522 | H. Laltanpuia | Thingsulthliah M/S - II | |
523 | C. Lalthanpuia | Thingsulthliah M/S - I | |
524 | Lalrema | Sihphir M/S - I | |
525 | Lalzuiliana Ralte | Sihphir M/S - II | |
526 | M. Gangte | Sihphir Vengthar M/S | |
527 | Lalhuliana | Sesawng M/S | |
528 | Lalchhanhima Chhangte | Seling M/S | |
529 | VL. Hmunluahpuia | Lalhnam M/S | |
530 | P. Battacharjee | Combined M/S, Zarkawt | |
531 | Saichhunga | Dawrpui Vengthar M/S | |
532 | H. Lalringliana | Sakawrtuichhun M/S | |
533 | R. Vanlallawma | Mission Vengthlang M/S | |
534 | K. Saliankapa | Govt. M/S, Nursery | |
535 | Lalchhuanawma Varte | Govt. TBL M/S, Khatla | |
536 | Lalthanmawia | Tanhril M/S - I | |
537 | Lalzawta | Govt. Reiek M/S | |
538 | C. Thantluanga | Thanbuka M/S | |
539 | H. Malsawma | Tuikual 'N' M/S | |
540 | K. Zanghina | Chawlhhmun M/S | |
541 | K. Lalhmachhuana | Ailawng M/S | |
542 | Remsiama Pachuau | Lawipu M/S | |
543 | PB. Lianzama | Vaivakawn M/S | |
544 | H. Biakchhunga | Chanmari 'W' M/S | |
545 | J. Lalparlawmi | Dinthar M/S - I | |
546 | J. Remtluanga | S. Sabual M/S | |
547 | Chawnghuliana | Govt. Boys M/S | |
548 | Lalhmingmawia Sailo | Bungkawn Vengthar M/S | |
549 | Lianthangpuia | Hunthar M/S | |
550 | Rosangluaia Sailo | Chanmari M/S | |
551 | Remthanga Pautu | Rulpuihlim M/S | |
552 | H. Thanhranga Chhakchhuak | Luangmual M/S | |
553 | Lalherliana Mualhlun | Zonuam M/S | |
554 | Zonunsanga | Darlung M/S | |
555 | Rothangpuia | Lungphun M/S | |
556 | Vanlalruata Sailo | Lengpui M/S - II | |
557 | Lalhruaitluanga | Sairang M/S | |
558 | V. Lalsiamthara | Sairang Modern M/S | |
559 | R. Vanramngaii | Lungverh M/S | |
560 | JH. Vanlalhuma | Edenthar M/S | |
561 | Zairemmawia | Lengpui M/S - I | |
562 | Raj Kumar Kawar | Khatla Nepali M/S | |
563 | Vanlalliana | Rangvamual M/S | |
564 | H. Laldintluanga | Tanhril M/S - II | |
565 | Malsawmtluangi | Govt. Complex M/S | |
566 | H. Lalnunsangi | Maubawk M/S - I | |
567 | R. _ | Chawnpui M/S | |
568 | Vanlalmawii | Tuikual 'S' M/S | |
569 | Lalthuamluaia | Khawrihnim M/S | |
570 | Liantluanga Bawitlung | Kanan M/S | |
571 | Lalsailova | Kanghmun M/S | |
572 | H. Lalsangliani | Zotlang M/S | |
573 | K. Laltlanzovi | Dinthar M/S - II | |
574 | K. Roliankimi | W. Lungdar M/S | |
575 | Zachungnunga | Kelsih M/S | |
576 | T.Lalmuana | Phulpui M/S | |
577 | Lalawmliana | Melriat M/S | |
578 | R.Lalnunzira | Sailam M/S | |
579 | F.Biakchhunga | Maubuang M/S | |
580 | J.F Lalzama | Saikhamakawn M/S | |
581 | C.Laltlanliana | Tachhip M/S | |
582 | Thangrimawia | Lamchhip M/S | |
583 | Varlianzuala | Salem M/S | |
584 | H.Lalnunmawia | VZBM M/S, Tlangnuam | |
585 | H.Laltlanchhunga | Hlimen M/S-I | |
586 | _ | Kulikawn M/S | |
587 | C.Vanlalchaka | Chawilung M/S | |
588 | Lallawmzuala | Hlimen M/S-II | |
589 | H.T Lalchawimawia | Samtlang M/S | |
590 | H.Lalrammawia | Sateek M/S | |
591 | Z.Lalnuntluanga | Aibawk M/S | |
592 | Lalchhuanawma Ngente | Hualngohmun M/S | |
593 | R.Kapluia | Muallungthu M/S | |
594 | T.Zoliana | Samlukhai M/S | |
595 | V.Rok_ | Lungleng-I M/S | |
596 | Hrangzawna | Falkawn M/S | |
597 | Thangsiama Ralte | N.Lungleng M/S | |
598 | K.Lalmingliana | Sialsuk M/S-I | |
599 | H._ | Venghnuai M/S | |
600 | Zohmangaihi | Thiak M/S | |
601 | B. Vanlalsiama | Sialsuk M/S-II | |
602 | J.Lalrinkima | Sumsuih M/S | |
603 | Lalbiakliana | Govt. M/S - II, Khawruhlian | |
604 | Kapthianga | Govt. M/S, Serzawl | |
605 | K. _ | Govt. M/S, Khanpui | |
606 | Lianchhingpuia | Govt. M/S, Pehlawn | |
607 | Zothangruaia | Chalfilh Govt. M/S, E.Phaileng | |
608 | R. Lalhmuaki | Govt. M/S, Kepran | |
609 | Letthanga | Govt. M/S, Sawleng | |
610 | Lalbula | Govt. M/S - II, Suangpuilawn | |
611 | JH. Chawnghmunte | Govt. M/S, Lamherh | |
612 | Lalthanpuia Ralte | Govt. Model M/S, Darlawn | |
613 | T. Thangtluanga | Public M/S, Darlawn | |
614 | Vanlaltluanga | Govt. M/S, N. Serzawl | |
615 | Lianzuala | Govt. M/S, N. Vervek | |
616 | C. Lalramhluna | Govt. M/S, Zohmun | |
617 | Hrangkapthanga | Govt. Liando M/S, Zohmun | |
618 | Richard Lalropuia | Govt. M/S, Mauchar | |
619 | Lalthankima | Govt. M/S, North Tinghmun | |
620 | Rohmingliani Hrahsel | Govt. M/S - I, Ratu | |
621 | PC. Lalthanpuii | Govt. M/S, Darlawn | |
622 | C. Rophira | Govt. M/S, Ruallung | |
623 | T. Zoramthanga | Govt. M/S, Tawizo | |
624 | Ramzauliana | Govt. M/S - II, Khawlian | |
625 | Lalthangmawia | Govt. M/S - II, Phullen | |
626 | H. Lalringliana | Govt. M/S, Rulchawm | |
627 | H. Siamhnuna | Govt. M/S, Sihfa | |
628 | C. Lalthazuala | Govt. M/S - II, Saitual | |
629 | K. Tlangrema | Govt. M/S, Maite | |
630 | C. Lalhuapzauva | Govt. M/S, Tualbung | |
631 | RK. Zoramchhuana | Govt. M/S - III, Saitual | |
632 | Vanlalmuana | Govt. William Booth M/S, Saitual | |
633 | H. Lalthlengliana | Govt. M/S, Mualpheng | |
634 | K. Thuamzika | Govt. M/S, NE. Khawdungsei | |
635 | C. Lalnghahmawia | Govt. M/S - I, Phullen | |
636 | C. Lalramsanga | Govt. M/S, Zawngin | |
637 | T. Ginzamuana | Govt. M/S, Lenchim | |
638 | B. Laltanpuia | Govt. M/S, Luangpawn | |
639 | F. Buangzika | Govt. M/S, Thanglailung | |
640 | Lalbiakzauva | Govt. M/S, - I, Saitual | |
641 | C. Rodinga | Govt. S. Tej Singh M/S | |
642 | CVL. Malsawma | Govt. M/S - I, Keifang | |
643 | JM. Suandochin | Vanzau Govt. M/S | |
644 | PB. Rosanga | Dungtlang Govt. M/S | |
645 | DJ. Kapliana | Govt. M/S, Champhai | |
646 | C. Laldinthara | Lianpui Govt. M/S | |
647 | F. Lalramliana | Hmunhmeltha Govt. M/S | |
648 | SB. Ngindokapa | Sesih Govt. M/S | |
649 | VL. Rochhari | Vengthlang Govt. M/S, Cpi | |
650 | T. Vanlalngura | Bungzung Govt. M/S | |
651 | K. Lalbiakkunga | Roseland Govt. M/S, Cpi | |
652 | Thangchungnunga | Khuangthing Govt. M/S | |
653 | KT. Vanlalliana | Khuangleng Govt. M/S | |
654 | C. Kaphranga | Sazep Govt. M/S | |
655 | KC. Doliana | Vangchhia Govt. M/S | |
656 | H. Lalbiakkunga | Leithum Govt. M/S | |
657 | F. Vanlalrosanga | Leithum Govt. M/S | |
658 | H. Liannghinglova | Khankawn Govt. M/S | |
659 | TBC. Biakthansanga | Zote M/S, Champhai | |
660 | Lalkaithanga | L.M. M/S, Champhai | |
661 | KT. Vanlalchhuana | N. Hruaikawn M/S | |
662 | _ | Hruaikawn Govt. M/S | |
663 | F. Lalthantluanga | Tuipui Govt. M/S | |
664 | Lalvena Khiangte | Vengsang M/S, Champhai | |
665 | F. Lalramliana | Zawlsei M/S | |
666 | LH. Lalngaiha | Ngur Govt. M/S | |
667 | Lalchhuanawma Fanai | Kanan Govt. M/S, Champhai | |
668 | C. Lalfela | K.M. Govt. M/S, Khawbung | |
669 | C. Pakunga | Vengthar M/S, Champhai | |
670 | T. Sangtluanga | Tlangsam M/S | |
671 | BK. Lalnuntluanga | Bulfekzawl M/S | |
672 | H. Vanlalrawna | New Champhai M/S | |
673 | C. Saihnuna | Govt. M/S, Farkawn | |
674 | Ngursailova | Melbuk M/S | |
675 | Lalchungnunga Sailo | Dilkawn M/S | |
676 | P. Lalhmingthanga | N. Khawbung M/S | |
677 | Lalthuthlungliana Suante | Murlen M/S | |
678 | C. Lalmuankima | Tualcheng M/S | |
679 | Thangzuala Khalthang | Buang M/S | |
680 | C. Zakanglova | Fiaratui M/S, Vaphai | |
681 | A. Rualkhuma Hmar | Electric Govt. M/S, Champhai | |
682 | T. Zabuanga | Vaphai Govt. M/S | |
683 | H. Lalzova | Venglai M/S, Champhai | |
684 | Saihmingthangi | Bethel Govt. M/S, Champhai | |
685 | PC. Lalrintluanga | Mizoram State Govt. M/S, Hnahlan | |
686 | L. Rochhunga | Zotlang Govt. M/S | |
687 | Lalhmangaiha Khiangte | Ruantlang Govt. M/S | |
688 | C. Lalremliana | Vapar Govt. M/S | |
689 | Sony Rothanga | R.M. Govt. M/S, Farkawn | |
690 | Lalnipuii Tochhawng | Khawbung Govt. M/S | |
691 | F. Lalzemawia | Kelkang Govt. M/S | |
692 | _ | NE. Khawdungsei M/S - I | |
693 | Lalthanpara | Teikhang M/S | |
694 | Ramnghingloiana | Tlangpui M/S | |
695 | Lalsailova | Modern M/S, Biate | |
696 | PC. Thangchhinga | New Khawlek M/S | |
697 | Kawlliana Kawlni | Govt. M/S, Biate | |
698 | K. Lianhnuna | Neihdawn M/S | |
699 | Lalchuailova | Vangtlang M/S | |
700 | Zopari Renthlei | Lungtan M/S | |
701 | H. Vanlalngaia | Tualpui M/S | |
702 | Vanlalrawna | L.F. M/S, Khawzawl | |
703 | PC. Lallawma | Ngaizawl M/S | |
704 | C. Lalengvara | Govt. M/S, Khawhai | |
705 | PC. Vanlalzauva | Kawnzar M/S, Khawzawl | |
706 | Lalremchhunga Khiangte | New Chalrang M/S | |
707 | Vanlalchhara | Tlangmawi M/S | |
708 | K. Lalthlamuana | Lamzawl M/S | |
709 | K. Kamluaia | Selam M/S | |
710 | R. Laldika | Kawlkulh M/S - II | |
711 | R. Lalhmingthanga | Chhawrtui M/S | |
712 | R. Lalramlawma | Dulte M/S | |
713 | K. Chawngzama | Chiahpui M/S | |
714 | H. Lallawmzuala | NE. Khawdungsei M/S - II | |
715 | V. Nghaksanga | Kawlkulh M/S - II | |
716 | H. Lalbiakdawla | Hliappui M/S - II | |
717 | K. _ | Ngopa M/S - II | |
718 | Lalnghinglova | Modern M/S, Khawzawl | |
719 | K. Rodingliani | Ngopa M/S - I | |
720 | Lalchhuanliana | Hrianghmun M/S | |
721 | Lalhmingthanga | Hermon M/S, Khawzawl | |
722 | Suakhnuna Kawlni | Chalrang M/S | |
723 | H. Buangthanga | Khazawl M/S - II | |
724 | Lalrinsanga | Chhinlung M/S, Sialhawk | |
725 | C. Lalbiakkunga | Vanchengpui M/S | |
726 | Lalthakima Zote | Hliappui M/S - I | |
727 | C. Zonunsangi | Khawzawl Govt. M/S | |
728 | C. Vanlalluri | Saichal M/S | |
729 | Thangkima | Govt. M/S - II, Bilkhawthlir | |
730 | PC. Vanlalruata | Govt. Venglai M/S, Kolasib | |
731 | Kapkima | Govt. M/S - I, Bilkhawthlir | |
732 | Lalrintluanga | Govt. M/S, Phaisen | |
733 | R. Vanlalmuka | Govt. Selluaii M/S, Kolasib | |
734 | R. Siakenga | Govt. M/S - I, Vairengte | |
735 | Zasiama | Govt. M/S, Phainuam | |
736 | Lalhmingliana | Govt. M/S - II, Bairabi | |
737 | Lalrochhunga Kawlni | Govt. M/S - III, Vairengte | |
738 | Darkhuma | Govt. M/S - II, Vairengte | |
739 | CMS. Dawngliana | Govt. M/S, Diakkawn, Kolasib | |
740 | Richungnunga Pulamte | Govt. M/S, Saipum | |
741 | K. _ | Govt. M/S - I, Bilkhawthlir | |
742 | C. Lalrinkima | Govt. Chawngfianga M/S, Kolasib | |
743 | _ | Govt. M/S - II, Thingdawl | |
744 | H. Lalremliana | Govt. M/S-II, Diakkawn, Kolasib | |
745 | R. _ | Govt. M/S, Vengthar, Kolasib | |
746 | James Lalthlamuana | Govt. Chawngfianga M/S, Kolasib | |
747 | _ Ngente | Govt. M/S - I, Thingdawl | |
748 | HS. Ramliansangi | Govt. M/S, Meidum | |
749 | Lalnuntluanga | Govt. Khianga M/S, Kolasib | |
750 | Mamata Thapa | Govt. DS Gorka M/S, Kolasib | |
751 | R. Lalzokima | Govt. TS. Luaia M/S, Kolasib | |
752 | Mangsailova | Kawnpui M/S -II | |
753 | Fimrokunga Fimate | Bukpui M/S | |
754 | PC. Lalzama | Nisapui M/S | |
755 | Sawiliana Chawngthu | Serkhan M/S | |
756 | PK. Rozuala | Lungdai M/S - II | |
757 | Zairemmawia Mang | Chuaia M/S, Hortoki | |
758 | C. Lalngaihawma | Lungmuat M/S | |
759 | JC. _ | Kawnpui M/S - I | |
760 | Lalthangliana | Kawnpui M/S - III | |
761 | C. Lalruatliana | Lungdai M/S - I | |
762 | H. Pazawna | N. Hlimen M/S | |
763 | C. Lalrinzuala | RL. Kamlala M/S, Bualpui | |
764 | K. Lalmalsawma | N. Chaltlang M/S | |
765 | Damthuama Khiangte | Zanlawn M/S | |
766 | T. Laltlanliana | Khumtung M/S | |
767 | C. Lalropuia | Bungtlang M/S - II | |
768 | V. Tlangthuama | Serchhip Govt. M/S | |
769 | H. Lianhnuna | Serchhip Modern M/S | |
770 | Sangchhawni | Chhingchhip Central M/S | |
771 | H. Sangliana | Serchhip Ramlai M/S | |
772 | R. Zothanzuala | Chhiahtlang National M/S | |
773 | F. Aihnuna | Keitum M/S | |
774 | Lalhmunsangi | B. Bukpui M/S | |
775 | Lalthianga | Sialhau M/S | |
776 | Darrivunga | Hmuntha M/S | |
777 | C. Lalthlanthara | Khawbel M/S | |
778 | T. Zapuithanga | Serchhip L.M. M/S | |
779 | C. Lalhmingmawia | Hualtu M/S | |
780 | P. Lalawmpuia | Chhingchhip M/S - I | |
781 | Zohmingthanga Colney | Rullam M/S | |
782 | Lalchungnunga | Thinglian M/S | |
783 | T. Lalhmingliana | Serchhip Chanmari M/S | |
784 | Vanlalremi | Serchhip Midland M/S | |
785 | Zosangliani | Chhiahtlang M/S | |
786 | CK. Vanlalbiaka | Ngentiang M/S | |
787 | S. _ | Hmunzawl M/S | |
788 | VL. Sawma Tochhawng | Bungtlang M/S - I | |
789 | C. Hranghnuna | Serchhip Model M/S | |
790 | C. Lalchangliana | Baktawng M/S - I | |
791 | T. Pahlira | Baktawng M/S - II | |
792 | L. Zoramtana | New Serchhip M/S | |
793 | R. Vanlalhluna | Chhingchhip M/S - II | |
794 | F. Lalthanzama | Govt. M/S, N. Vanlaiphai | |
795 | C. Rochungnunga | Govt. M/S, Mualcheng | |
796 | F. Vanramngaia | Govt. M/S, Lungkawlh | |
797 | C. Biakdawla | Govt. M/S - I, E. Lungdar | |
798 | Siamhmingthanga | Govt. M/S - I, K_ilung | |
799 | Sangkhuma | Govt. M/S, Piler | |
800 | R. Lalchungnunga | Govt. M/S, Leng | |
801 | JT. Lalberema | Govt. M/S, Sailulak | |
802 | C. Krosthangi | Govt. M/S - II, K_ilung | |
803 | Lalhumliana | Govt. M/S, Sialsir | |
804 | VZ. Rosiama | Govt. Standard M/S, Thenzawl | |
805 | C. Lalramchhana | Govt. M/S, Thenzawl | |
806 | C. Lalzarliana | Govt. M/S, Chhipphuir | |
807 | PC. Lalropuia | Govt. Zoram M/S, Thenzawl | |
808 | B. Rohmingliana | Govt. Zoram M/S, Thenzawl | |
809 | R. Lalsawmliana | Govt. M/S, Zote 'S' | |
810 | V. Zahmingthanga | Govt. M/S, Neihloh | |
811 | H. Thangnghinglova | Govt. M/S, Buangpui | |
812 | C. Zohmingliana | Gospel Centenary M/S, Chhipphir | |
813 | J. Chawnghmingthanga | Agape M/S, Mamit | |
814 | Ralzinga | Chuhvel M/S | |
815 | HK. Kuilya | Dampui M/S | |
816 | PC. Lalringliana | Darlak M/S | |
817 | Vanlalmuana | Hmunpui M/S | |
818 | F. Lalnunthara | Lengte M/S | |
819 | Ronghakliana Chhangte | Mamit M/S - I | |
820 | PC. Lalthianghlima | Mamit M/S - II | |
821 | Lalmuankima | Mamit M/S - III | |
822 | H. Lalkhawliana | Rawpuichhip M/S | |
823 | PC. Vanlalsiama | Suarhliap M/S | |
824 | Lalnuntluanga | Tuahzawl M/S | |
825 | FC. Lalramliana | Pukzing M/S | |
826 | Lalliantluanga | Phuldungsei M/S | |
827 | J. Lalthatluanga | Lallen M/S | |
828 | Lalhmachhuana | W. Phaileng M/S | |
829 | Sangchhunga | Saithah M/S | |
830 | B. Lalhuapzauva | W. Phaileng M/S - II | |
831 | T. Kaihnuna | Damparengpui M/S | |
832 | _ Ngente | T.M. M/S, Chhippui | |
833 | Sneha Lal Chakma | Tuipuibari M/S | |
834 | Kishor Rangya | Silsury M/S | |
835 | Beiseia Ngente | Parvatui M/S | |
836 | K. Lalhmingthanga | Govt. M/S - I, Rengdil | |
837 | VL. Sawmliana | Govt. M/S, Bawrai | |
838 | VL. Roluahpuii | Govt. M/S, Tuidam | |
839 | Darthangliana | Govt. M/S - I, Kawtethawveng | |
840 | Lalduhawma | Govt. M/S - II, Rengdil | |
841 | Lalropiangi | Govt. M/S - II, Kawtethawveng | |
842 | Zahmingthanga | Govt. M/S, Thinghlun | |
843 | Lalkhawnghinga | Govt. M/S, Serhmun | |
844 | Lalbiakthanga | Govt. M/S - I, Kawrthah | |
845 | F. Lalramhluna | Govt. M/S, Zamuang | |
846 | _ | Govt. M/S, Bungthuam | |
847 | R. Lalrokima | Govt. M/S - II, Zawlnuam | |
848 | Sanglianmawia | Govt. M/S - I, Zawlnuam | |
849 | H. Lalmalsawma | Govt. M/S, Bunghmun | |
850 | H. Laltanpuia | Govt. M/S, Sertlangpui | |
851 | Ramdinpuia | Govt. M/S, Serkawn | |
852 | HS. Lalfakzuala | Govt. M/S, Thuampui (attch. to DEO Office, Lunglei) |
853 | Lalthianghlima | Govt. M/S, Dengsur | |
854 | Lalhmingliana Khiangte | Govt. M/S, Bazar Veng | |
855 | PC. Rochhuma | Govt. M/S, Bualpui 'V' | |
856 | Lalduhawma Rokhum | Govt. M/S, Buarpui | |
857 | R. Lalruala | Govt. M/S, Standard Buarpui | |
858 | PC. Vanlalnghaka | Govt. M/S, Standard Buarpui | |
859 | Lalramropuia | Govt. M/S - II, Pukpui | |
860 | R. Lalramsanga | Govt. M/S, Ramlaitui | |
861 | C. Hrangvunga | Govt. M/S, Sekhum | |
862 | V. Laltanpuia | Govt. M/S, Zotlang | |
863 | _ | Govt. M/S, Vanhne | |
864 | K. Lianhmingthanga | Govt. M/S, Venghlun | |
865 | C. Laltlansanga | Govt. M/S, Venglai | |
866 | VL. Hmangaiha | Govt. M/S, Luangmual | |
867 | C. Lalremsiama | Govt. M/S, Mualthuam 'N' | |
868 | LH. Biakthansanga | Govt. M/S, Changpui | |
869 | K. Lallawmpuia | Govt. M/S, College Veng | |
870 | R. Buatsaiha | Govt. M/S, DIET Practising | |
871 | Zohranga | Govt. M/S, Lungchem | |
872 | R. Lalbiakmawia | Govt. M/S - I, Pukpui | |
873 | V. Lalngaia | Govt. M/S - I, Rahsi Veng | |
874 | Malsawma Sailo | Govt. M/S - II, Rahsi Veng | |
875 | F. Lalthlengliana | Govt. M/S, Sazaikawn | |
876 | Ngurhlunchhunga | Govt. M/S, Serte | |
877 | B. Rozawna | Govt. M/S, Zohnuai | |
878 | R. Lalchawimawia | Govt. M/S, Zokhawsang, Haulawng | |
879 | C. Lallianzama | Govt. M/S, Zotuitlang | |
880 | C. Vanlalmaka | Govt. M/S, Bunghmun | |
881 | PC. Lalbiakliana | Govt. M/S, Laisawral | |
882 | VL. Hmangaiha | Govt. M/S, Luangmual | |
883 | HS. Zosangliana | Govt. M/S, Electric Veng | |
884 | T. Zachhunga | Govt. M/S, Tawipui 'S' | |
885 | F. Chhunzami | Govt. M/S, Theiriat | |
886 | T. Lalbiaktluanga | Govt. M/S, Vaisam | |
887 | PC. Lianbuanga | Govt. M/S, Lunglawn | |
888 | R. Lalhmingsanga | Govt. M/S - I, Zobawk | |
889 | C. Vanhmingthanga | Govt. JNM M/S, Electric Veng | |
890 | C. Zosangliana | Govt. M/S, Mualcheng 'S' | |
891 | C. Saihmingliana | Govt. PK M/S, Chanmari,Lli | |
892 | R. _ | Govt. M/S - II, Zobawk | |
893 | PC. _ | Govt. M/S, Ralvawng | |
894 | Lalhmangaihzuala | Mt. Hermon M/S | |
895 | S. Sanglura | Govt. M/S, Mualthuam 'S' | |
896 | H. Tluangkima | Govt. DM M/S, Theiriat | |
897 | H. Vanlalsawma | Lungrang M/S | |
898 | RL. Chhuanawma | Thualthu M/S | |
899 | MC. Raltawna | Tawipui N - II M/S | |
900 | PC. Lallianzara | Sethlun M/S | |
901 | L. Lalramliana | Thingfal M/S | |
902 | J. Zothanpuii | Rangte M/S | |
903 | K. Lalmuanthanga | Bualte M/S | |
904 | Jony Lalkhawliana | Rualalung M/S | |
905 | Sailothanga Sailo | Thaizawl M/S | |
906 | Tlanhmingthanga | Tawipui N - I M/S | |
907 | K. Zokailiana | LCM M/S | |
908 | B. Muanchungnunga | Bethlehem M/S, Electric Veng | |
909 | C. Laihnuna | Govt. M/S - I, Pangzawl | |
910 | R. Thanchungnunga | Govt. M/S - II, Pangzawl | |
911 | R. Zohlira | Govt. M/S, Muallianpui | |
912 | C. Rodingliana | Govt. M/S, Rawpui | |
913 | S. Lalthanzuala | Govt. RKM M/S, S.Vanlaiphai | |
914 | Lalbiakthanga | Govt. Indira M/S, Hnahthial | |
915 | B. Lalchamliana | Govt. M/S, Darzo | |
916 | Vanlalzuia | Govt. M/S, Leite | |
917 | C. Darhmingthanga | Govt. M/S, S. Chawngtui | |
918 | H. Zasiami | Govt. M/S, Bualpui 'H' | |
919 | Tialkunga | Govt. M/S, New Ngharchhip | |
920 | HC. Thanchungnunga | Govt. Model M/S, Hnahthial | |
921 | Lalbelzuala | Govt. M/S, Hnahthial | |
922 | R. Lalzarzova | Govt. M/S, Rotlang 'E' | |
923 | V. Rotluanga | Govt. ZRT M/S, Cherhlun | |
924 | R. Lalnunmawia | Govt. M/S, Tuipui 'D' | |
925 | V. Lalnunsanga | Govt. M/S, Chawilung | |
926 | HSK. Chakma | Govt. M/S, Diblibagh | |
927 | Bimal Chandra Dey | Govt. M/S, Kalapani | |
928 | C. Hrangdingliana | Govt. M/S - I, Lungsen | |
929 | Sushen Kumar Chakma | Govt. M/S, Nunsury | |
930 | Bokul Moni Chakma | Govt. M/S, Tipperaghat | |
931 | Kawlkunga Kawlni | Govt. M/S, Tlabung | |
932 | Zodinpuii | Govt. M/S, Zodin Tlabung | |
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